Tips and Links for Westhafen
1. Getreidespeicher | Used to be Europe’s largest granary storing tons of wheat; today it houses the most extensive newspaper collection in Germany | Westhafenstraße 1
2. imPerfekt | Artists' studios in the port management’s former offices, used today to develop the talents of people with disabilities | Westhafenstraße 4 | www.bwb-gmbh.de
3. Schifferkirche | The port’s transformations are also mirrored by the changes of the church – the Schifferkirche, earlier a ship, is today directly at the entrance of the port | Westhafenstraße 1
4. Plötzensee | In the nineteenth century the lake was expensive property due to the abundance of fish – especially the bleak fish, whose silver scales were used to make artificial pearls in France | Nordufer 24
5. Deportationsmahnmal | Between 1942 and 1945, thousands of Jews were deported to extermination camps from the tracks of the Putlitzstraße freight yard | Putlitzbrücke
6. Kulturfabrik Moabit | For 15 years, serves as stage for various art events, and on top of that, the only cinema in Moabit | Lehrter Straße 35 | www.kulturfabrik-moabit.de
7. BewohnBAR | The music historian Alexander von Nell has transformed his Moabit apartment into a musical and literary salon | Stephanstraße 17 | www.bewohnbar.org
8. Arminiusmarkthalle | Berlin’s tenth market hall was opened in 1891; today, it’s one of the four remaining. Retail stores and discount chains under one roof | Arminiusstraße 2-4 | www.arminiusmarkthalle.de
9. Lei e Lui | Culinary organic oasis on Moabit island | Wilsnacker Straße 61 | www.lei-e-lui.de
10. Markthalle für asiatische Lebensmittel | Exotic wholesale directly at the port | Quitzowstraße 59
11. Putlitzbrücke| The boy with the goose on the Stephankiez side references the Brandenburg nobles "Gans Edle zu Putlitz," after whom the once-wooden bridge was named.
12. Kraftwerk Moabit | One of Berlin’s oldest, at least partially preserved. From the architect of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche, Franz Schwechten | Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 10-15
13. U-Bahnhof Westhafen | The personal history of Heinrich Heine (his years of exile in Paris) and the bill of human rights are on the tiled walls of the subway station.
14. Osmanya | Anatolian luxury restaurant in the middle of Moabit | Birkenstraße 17/ Perleberger Straße 31